“Welcome to Nature Island” announced our guide.
I did not doubt him.
Our bus ride to the starting point of Middleham Falls had been a bombardment of information about the local flora and fauna with sights to match.
But, I’m moving ahead too fast. Let’s rewind a little.

When it comes to vacation time, I’m more of the – relax on a lounge chair with music in my ears and a good book to read – kind of person. I’d rather do the occasional touristy sightseeing mixed with a nice siesta and a swim in the ocean leaving adventurous activities for others.
Sometimes though, I’m tempted to move my arse and do something different.
During a pretty relaxing yet busy (too many activities) cruise in the Caribbean, my first attempt at doing something new was going snorkelling in Bonaire.
If you have ever had the chance to be on a cruise – if not, you should get down to it now – you will know that the number one activity on board is eating. Towards the end of the little trip, eating five to six times a day was taking its toll and I had gained a good 5-6 kilos.

I had booked my tour through the ship’s travel desk and as a result, found it to be well organised. One of the advantages of booking an excursion through the travel centre on the cruise-ship – even though it is likely to be a little more expensive – is that if you were to get delayed for some reason, the ship would wait for you. On the other hand, if you wander off on your own and are not back on time, they will leave you behind.
Dominica is known as the “Nature Island” so it came as no surprise when our well-informed guide introduced himself as simply ” Mr Green”. Enthusiastic about sharing information, informative and educated about the region, he went on to explain how the locals rely heavily on what nature provides – for free – rather than on modern foods and medicines.
I hadn’t hiked in almost a decade, and with specific medical issues that I live with, I am always unsure about venturing into the unknown. However, after seeing that our little group consisted of individuals of all ages, eventually the apprehension cleared and once I took a small step across a stream – and partially fell into it – my mind has crossed the imaginary line of no return.
The hike was a good 45-minute walk which included some Tarzan like swinging from trees – planned in advance by the guide – and a lot of experiencing the wonders of nature. Baby bananas, a leaf that tasted just like an apple, and steps on a climb which were naturally made with roots of trees, it indeed was an eye-opening insight into the beauty of nature and all that it has to offer us, with the sad realisation of how little of that we make use of.
In terms of difficulty, the hike was a little strenuous at places with a couple of extreme climbs, but nothing an average hiker could not manage – or even a beginner with a bit of help – accompanied by of course a good pair of shoes and a bottle of water.
Upon reaching Middleham Falls, the physical strain of the previous 45 minutes disappeared in an instant. Water crashing down into a pool below, surrounded with rocks, it was a magnificent sight. Hidden from the world in thick vegetation, I often wonder the awe and excitement of the first person who would have discovered this natural beauty.
Mr Green at this point climbed up 40 ft and jumped into the base pool which was 20 feet deep. After some deliberation, I too finally decided to plunge – not via the 40ft jump mind you – into the icy cold water of the pool that literally was the most refreshing “shower” I had had in my life. Tip – Carry an extra pair of clothes for after the swim.
Half an hour of swimming in this natural wonder and it was finally time to head back. The quietness of the forest finally struck me as we all made our way towards the waiting bus in smaller groups, all busy in silent introspection.
No longer tired, hearing distant footsteps and the occasional laughter of the hikers, mixed in perfect harmony with bird calls and the faint sound of the falls we had left behind, the walk back proved to be a beautiful parting gift.
With the thought of a nice rum punch waiting for us on our return, I walked back admiring and having experienced nature like I had never before.

I would love to say that the stroll back to the bus or the swim in the pool by the fall was the highlight of the day, but nothing beats the hilarity and amusement of coming across a couple of girls – not from our group – hiking to the falls in heels – you read that right!
Just the type of light entertainment one needs at the end of a strenuous day.

Planning a trip to the Caribbean?
Dominica, a nature island in most authentic form, should be on your list of must-visit Caribbean islands. Don’t just visit the island because you can go hiking up to Middleham Falls or as some of the others, go tubing down a river. But also because of its charming people and appreciation for what the earth has to offer us. And because you have to try their local beer, Kubuli, after a long hike, to get that extra boost of energy.
Jen Morrow
What a beautiful hiking trail! I love hiking, especially in the Caribbean. Perfect timing to capture the rainbow at the waterfall!
Ticker Eats The World
Thanks and yes it was a day well spent.
Ashley Smith
I’m glad you decided to do the hike! I love finding hikes when I’m traveling–maybe because I grew up on a near-prarie so I’ve never been able to before! This hike is beautiful and looks a lot like Puerto Rico. Looks like you had a great (and refreshing) day!
Ticker Eats The World
Thanks and yeah I’m always on the look out for hikes (not the hardcore ones but simpler ones like this). I grew up in the city so nature and anything related to it is always appreciated. Thanks
Probe around the Globe
This sounds a bit too adventurous for me. I always think I can do the hike but then I need help from 72 year old because I fall, stumble or kust don’t have the stamina. And then I see people In heels too??? Hoe do they do it? I am struggling with my hiking boots and they trodt along. Lol. Glad you had a great day. Did you loose the weight?
Ticker Eats The World
Thanks and it wasn’t all that bad plus it was done on a leisurely pace. Didn’t lose any weight sadly but felt good after it. The water was very refreshing.
I love that the natives still rely on nature for all their food and medical needs. I enjoy this type of hike especially when it includes a dip in a natural pool. I certainly wouldn’t jump off that cliff though!
Ticker Eats The World
They don’t allow visitors to jump from where he did but there’s a small jump about 10 feet where a lot from the hiking group did jump. Yes, it nice how they are “one” with the nature. Thanks
CreativeTravelGuide (@CTGTravelGuide)
I visited Dominican when I was a teenager but have wanted to go back for so long and this blog has made me want to go back even more! Look at that greenery, just incredible! Great post!
Ticker Eats The World
Yeah, it’s called the nature island and so much greenery. I’m sure you’ll love it.
This place looks like an apt example of untouched natural beauty. It also reminded me of the hills of Kerala, India. If you have been there, you can understand why I got the comparison on my mind. The post brought back my past memories 🙂
Ticker Eats The World
Haven’t been to Kerala yet but family members have so I have a rough idea. Yes very green and they know how important nature is and respect it too.
What a pot of gold at the end of that hike! Certainly looks like it was worth the trek! And, OMG! I’d pay to see pics of hi-heal hikers! I have a hard enough time in hiking boots! LOL!
Ticker Eats The World
Isn’t nature great! It certainly made us work for it. So much is hidden I often wonder about the person who found the spot first. Imagine a WOW moment. Thanks
This must be a beautiful experience. Even I love hiking. Thanks for sharing.
Ticker Eats The World
Kathy (from walkaboutwanderer.com)
It is so nice to see you getting to one with nature. It looks like a fantastic place especially the Tarzan swing and the waterfall jumping.
Thanks ks you for sharing your experience with me.
Ticker Eats The World
Thanks. Yeah the Tarzan swing was a nice surprise and not the easiest thing to do either. The water was amazing.
Agness of aTukTuk
I’ve never heard of these falls, but I’ve missed a lot! Exceptional place!
Ticker Eats The World
Yeah, and you need a special pass to go to them, so it’s well protected. Next time…