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Nandgaon Holi – A Colourful Experience

For a few days every year people from across the world head over to two small villages in Uttar Pradesh, India to witness and experience a spectacle that never ceases to amaze.

Over the years this celebration with colours has especially enticed photographers, enough for them to risk taking their expensive camera equipment, covered in all kinds of professional and homemade covers, to capture that one perfect shot featuring an explosion that is an exemplary amalgamation of gulal (dry colours), dance, music, and all around cheerfulness.

Barsana and Nandgaon are villages that are immersed in Indian heritage, mythology, and culture. Barsana being the village of Radha and Nandgaon taking its name from Krishna have long been the epicentre of Holi celebrations in the region. The Phoolon ki Holi (Holi of Flowers) played in Vrindavan on the third day makes this the “Holi-Trinity” of all major Holi celebrations.

Holi, a Hindu festival, is played and celebrated all across India – usually in/around March – and even internationally now. So, what makes the celebrations in these two small villages of India so unique?

To find the right answer, you simply have to experience it yourself.  But to give you a little insight, what makes Holi so unique is the zest and vigour with which it is played in these parts of the country, and of course the extravagance and plot that forms the basis of the origin. Call it an Indian-ized Romeo and Juliet if you may – without any bloodshed – that oozes fun, frolic, naughtiness, jubilation, colour, and of course sticks… lots and lots of sticks.


NG Profile 4


I spoke to some locals in Nandgaon, and each one had a slightly different variation to the story behind the festivities. In a nutshell, the scheme of things consists of firstly the boys from Nandgaon going to Barsana to play Holi. On the next day, the women of Barsana come to Nandgaon and try to enter the temple atop the hill. As a result, more Holi is played as the residents of Barsana are “stopped” by having water thrown on them. In the end, though, the women take on sticks and beat the boys for being troublesome – thus the name Lathmar Holi.

On the third day, villagers go to Vrindavan – close to Mathura – to play Phoolon Ki Holi. As a tourist, if you would rather stick with an authentic city-holi experience, the celebrations in Mathuraare perfect for you.

Talking to some more people – this time, visitors from practically around the world – I was told that the crowds at Barsana were massive, to the extent that many couldn’t even make it to the temple there. Nandgaon, on the other hand, seemed bigger and while the crowds definitely increased as the day went on, it looked just about manageable – if you can call standing on rooftops to witness Lathmar Holi that.

Another reason for celebrating Holi in either of the villages is that each location brings a certain uniqueness that is unparalleled and equally fascinating. The people – especially the locals – are incredibly welcoming. I was surprised to see how open they are to being photographed. Many-a-photographers directed them to stand a certain way, throw colour on cue, smile, play, dance, sing, and they would do that in a heart-beat without expecting anything in return – maybe put some colour or take a selfie, but that’s about it. Not once did I see anyone ask for money in return for posing.

NG Roof 5

Now, celebrating Holi in this region isn’t for the weak at heart. The festivities do begin with the people casually putting gulal on cheeks, but it slowly moves on to a more intense celebration as coloured water comes into play. All this though is amidst a lot of laughter and revelry, ever increasing, as the number of people involved multiply with each passion hour.

Witnessing and partaking in Holi at Nandgaon is a once in a lifetime experience that, if you get the opportunity, you should never miss out on. The trick to enjoying Holi in Barsana, Nandgaon, and Vrindavan, as an outsider, is being ready for it, both mentally and physically.

How can you do that?

Below, I’ve jotted down of my observations, tips, and thoughts that could help you plan your trip better…

Holi is a physical festival. You simply cannot expect, if you go out – anywhere in India for that matter – to not get colour and water thrown on you. It is also one of the few festivals where strangers are more than likely to walk up to you and put colour on you.

That’s the magic of Holi; it breaks down barriers and brings people closer together.

Going to Nandgaon and being there for Holi is taken as a sign that you want to be part of the celebrations. If you don’t want too much colour on yourself, use a raincoat or a poncho. People will still come and wish you “Happy Holi” by putting colour on your cheeks, and they might aim their Pichkaris (water-guns) at you… but that is it.

NG Temple 7

If you are there to play or even photograph, do not expect that colours will be thrown at your request. No one will ask for your permission, but most people are generally careful not to throw water on the face. When they put colour, most usually do so in a civilised manner. The rest of your body is fair play with regards to the pichkaris. How you save yourself – by running away, turning around – is entirely up to you and part of the fun as well.

If there to photograph, make sure you protect your camera well. Having an expensive camera in your hands doesn’t exclude you from being a “target”. While I chickened out from taking my DSLR, many people brought really expansive cameras with them, albeit adequately covered in rain-covers or homemade hacks.

There is one matter of grave concern, and that is of unwanted harassment of women. Unfortunately, some miscreants take advantage of the enormous crowds and the Holi scene to inappropriately touch women. But, this is few and far between. There is no question that this issue should be brought to notice; however, it would also be wrong to use terms such as “Un-Holi” in regards to the celebrations at Nandgaon. These are acts of some desperate individuals, and everyone present shouldn’t be labelled because of that.

In a perfect world these occurrences would never happen and the more it is talked about, the more there is a chance that it will lessen over time; till then, women should take precautions like they would in any public place – crowded trains/buses, concerts, or any such gatherings which have “uncontrollable” crowds.

NG Profile 7On a positive note, Nandgaon, on the day of Holi, had large Police presence all of whom were extremely approachable. Every street, little lane, the temple, nooks and corners, had policemen on duty. They stood there for hours, in the sun, with only water packets to quench their thirst; some in groups, some alone, and I did see them reprimand the odd troublemaker.

A welcome omission was water balloons. There was not one insight throughout the day, be it in the temple or out in the lanes. Although you are more than likely to get hit by a water balloon walking anywhere in any city of India around Holi time, on this day, in Nandgaon, it was only gulal and coloured water being thrown on people.

One, somewhat surprising, missing feature, often synonymous with Holi, was alcohol. In fact, the group I was part of, did venture out in search of Bhang, but we all came back empty-handed.  Nor did I come across any inebriated person. We, ordinary city folks that we are, did have a beer in the car which in all honesty proved to be rather refreshing in the end, after a long and tiring day.

There are a couple more “myths” about Nandgaon Holi that I would like to address; firstly, although the colour used isn’t organic, I find it very hard to believe that sheera (shard glass) is put in it by some individuals. I had colour go into my eyes, and coloured water was thrown all over me as well, and I came back with no problems whatsoever.

The other being that certain foreign ingredients (shards etc.) are put into the water and colour so that the outsiders – especially women – remember playing Holi with specific individuals. Now, anyone present in Nandgaon on Holi is more than likely to play with close to 100 people – there are 1000s present, so this is a rough estimate- all with coloured faces, often looking very much alike, so for someone to think that they will be remembered if they put shards in their colour is a little farfetched.

There is no denying that often people put all kinds of extra elements in colour – I’ve played Holi with grease and metallic colours – but there was a sense of purity in playing Holi at Nandgaon, and it reflected in the colours that were used.

Instead, it’s essential that you are aware of your own body and allergies you may have. The colours might have chemicals so reactions might happen. Be careful about open wounds – a scratch even – and dress appropriately by covering your body as much as possible to avoid excessive contact.

There are certain areas in the Temple at Nandgaon where you can spend time and stay away from “playing” Holi. The rooftop – monitored by the police – is where most photographers can be found. It is a vantage point to see the celebrations and while one can still expect to have colour and water thrown on them, it comparatively is less active an area and a place where most people are seen resting and relaxing, hiding from the afternoon sun, and taking in a bite or two of spicy chaat from the street hawkers.

Even though I firmly believe Holi at Nandgaon is safe, I also think it might be a little too much for kids – especially city kids. The temple, the people, the crowded lanes, everything can get a bit intense for the little ones, and it’s best to maybe avoid taking them until they are in their late teens.


Lathmar Holi that takes place later in the afternoon is an entirely different experience. Here, the visitor is just the audience as it is played primarily by the locals. Finding a vantage point is the key to taking good photographs. However, it is watching women beat men – shielded – that brings forth a somewhat sadistic joy to everyone.

Since all the best spots get filled up quickly, make sure you head over to one of the residences around the main playing field early in the day and “book” yourself a spot to avoid disappointment later. You might have to pay them a little, but it is definitely worth it, rather than standing in the crowds below – lots of pushing and shoving around.

Lathmar Holi is an event that is full of colours of a different kind. The womenfolk come in their best -wedding like – clothes, some shimmering in the late afternoon sun. Whereas the men, mostly in orange, fill up the spaces in-between all the women. Instead of throwing gulal or water, there are festive songs sung, more dancing – men dressed as women sometimes – and lots of pulling each other’s legs with words, eventually culminating in the women taking long laths (sticks) to beat the men present there.


There is tradition behind Lathmar Holi as well; groups of young men go from house to house shouting and intimidating women with words and lyrics – if you understand the language, these are rather rude.  It is actually a way to let out all the bad thoughts and simultaneously an invitation of sorts to call the women for Holi. In reply, the women take on the laths (sticks) to beat the men – who, at this point, sit quietly under a shield and take the beating.

Learning about the cultural significance of a place before visiting often helps better understand the rituals. Or do as I did and make the most of conversing with locals around you and question them to discover the origins of all the activities that are taking place right in front of your eyes.

A day spent at Barsana, Nandgaon, or Vrindavan can be tiring. It leaves you with enough options to walk as much as you want and play as little as you like. But it helps to take a few breathers in-between to replenish yourself.

A sure shot way to gain back some of that lost energy is walking through the streets to small eateries and tasting local delicacies full of lip-smacking flavours that range from hot samosas and kachoris to freshly made Lassi and sweet Rabri.

It is important to remember that when you visit Nandgaon or Barsana, you are inviting yourself to someone else’s “house”. The locals welcome you and let you be a part of their lives. Therefore it’s essential that you respect their traditions and culture, even if it is different from your own. Keeping your cool, a smile on the face, and being part of the festivities can undoubtedly help make Nandgaon’s Holi a pleasant affair.

This unusual experience will stay with you long after the last signs of the day have washed off your face and clothes, but it is the people you will meet, the friendships you will strengthen, the sights you will see, that will make this an event you will never forget.

Psst… Check out the video below for more Sights and Sounds from Nandgaon Holi. 


  • arv!
    Posted 30 March, 17 at 8:21 PM

    lovely images Raghav. I guess I missed quite a bit by not tagging along a photography trip that happened in those two days. Next year…May be!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 31 March, 17 at 4:39 PM

      Hey, yes, it happens every year so lots of opportunities. I’m sure there are groups from Jaipur that go too, but if not next year I wouldn’t mind going again a few years down the line.

      • arv!
        Posted 31 March, 17 at 7:55 PM

        Let’s team up for the nest year, raghav! 🙂

  • Mayuri6
    Posted 30 March, 17 at 8:26 PM

    Stunning pics and such a detailed and well written write up! What a treat this post is!
    Hope your camera is fine 🙂

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 31 March, 17 at 4:38 PM

      Thanks a lot Mayuri for the comment and sharing. I didn’t take my DSLR but the point and shoot I took and the GoPro were cling wrapped and waterproof as it is so they survived thankfully.

  • Arunas
    Posted 1 April, 17 at 6:05 PM

    Interesting colourful festival and beautiful photos.

  • dNambiar
    Posted 3 April, 17 at 8:56 AM

    Whoa! quite an event.
    No Bhang? Lathmar holi? That sounds a little too extreme.

    Awesome pictures!!!!!!!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 15 April, 17 at 4:09 PM

      You know it’s extreme but not “too extreme”. Plus if you stay in the “safe” zones then you can escape from the main Holi event and enjoy photographing it instead. Once In a lifetime for sure.

  • asoulwindow
    Posted 24 April, 17 at 1:21 PM

    Holi in Nandgaon is quite a riot of colors. You are right about the safety. For solo female travelers also it can be quite an issue. I want to go here next year and see it for myself. Hope I get shots as good as yours.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 24 April, 17 at 1:34 PM

      All the best and it is an issue but I think one just needs to keep calm and take precautions.

  • Alice Chen
    Posted 24 April, 17 at 2:23 PM

    This is a really colorful tradition indeed! My college always put on a huge celebration where everyone got really colorful – this reminds me of it! I love all the pictures – the colors make everyone so gorgeous!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 24 April, 17 at 6:36 PM

      Thanks and so cool to know that they celebrate it at the college.

  • 2travellingsisters
    Posted 24 April, 17 at 9:04 PM

    I had a attended holi event while I was travelling around Jaisalmer. Although itseems like a smaller in comparison it was still loads of fun! You have captured all the vivid colours pf holi very beautifully. Playing holi at Nandgaon is definitely once in a lifetime thing.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 24 April, 17 at 9:08 PM

      Nandgaon in a way is the epicenter of the celebrations, and it is quite an experience. Thanks

  • natalietanner
    Posted 24 April, 17 at 11:57 PM

    What a fascinating experience! This is hard to imagine, really, so different than anything I have ever seen in person. The color, so much color, the intense crowds…I’d love to experience! You are brave to photograph them…I’d be worried about even the cheapest camera! Thanks for sharing it with us!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 25 April, 17 at 8:28 AM

      I was actually surprised at the people who got their expensive DSLRs. Thanks

  • Judy
    Posted 25 April, 17 at 5:19 AM

    what an impressively detailed article and wow, those images are absolutely stunning! I’ve heard about holi throughout the year of course but your experience there just makes me want to visit Nandgaon specifically during Holi, it looks incredible.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 25 April, 17 at 8:28 AM

      Oh yes, even for us locals it was so different and unique.

  • xxxgingerpawsoutdoorsxxx
    Posted 25 April, 17 at 6:37 AM

    This looks like a funfilled festival! I would love to experience that in the future as I love festivals. Your phtos are amazing too! I also like the story behind this festival. Thanks for sharing!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 25 April, 17 at 8:29 AM

      Thanks and its one of those once in a lifetime experiences for sure.

  • Nadine Smith
    Posted 25 April, 17 at 8:16 AM

    Such a fun and colorful celebration indeed! I would want to witness this myself and be a part of the action. I think it’s a great way to LITERALLY be immersed in the culture. You’re right, it does look like it is a physical activity, but that’s why it’s so fun! Your photos are incredible! You should try submitting them to big publications!

  • Iza (@IzaAbao)
    Posted 25 April, 17 at 6:39 PM

    I like that you wrote a thorough article about your experience. I am concerned with women who participated in this festival. It is a very male-dominated celebration. However, I want to be positive and assume that everyone treated each other with respect.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 25 April, 17 at 6:49 PM

      It’s actually not a male dominated celebration. Women are equal parts of it and the later half where they play Lathmar Holi, that cannot be done without women.

  • Riely
    Posted 26 April, 17 at 11:02 AM

    Holi in Nandgaon does seem like an experience of a lifetime. Your photos are truly magnificent and show the merging of individuals, breaking down those barriers between one another. I never knew much behind the meanings behind Holi before. It seems like quite the engaging experience while perhaps a tad overwhelming at times. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 26 April, 17 at 11:07 AM

      Yes, it does get overwhelming at times, but you are free to do as much or as little as you like. A couple of people in our group enjoyed for 2-3 hours and then went back to the cars to rest. Others felt even the whole day wasn’t enough. Thanks

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  • Hot Foot Trini
    Posted 21 June, 17 at 9:41 PM

    This Holi festival sounds like the one that inspired Phagwa in Trinidad and Tobago (my home country). The fact that it happens in Uttar Pradesh strengthens the case because many Indo-Trinidadians claim ancestors from this Indian state. It’s always great to learn about where these festivals originate.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 21 June, 17 at 11:37 PM

      That’s so great to find out. Really awesome and interesting how cultures travel.

  • Only By Land
    Posted 22 June, 17 at 1:01 AM

    I did see lots of pictures from the Nandgaon Holi on Instagram a few weeks back, I never thought about what the photographers had to risk to get those photos! It’s interesting reading about the different reason people participate in the Nandgaon Holi. You captured some wonderful photos of the Nandgaon Holi, I guess you know how to protect your camera. I’ve never experienced the festival but you have inspired me to visit through your images.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 22 June, 17 at 1:06 AM

      I was one of photographers who was really scared of getting their cameras wet. Used an old point and shoot and the GoPro. Others were brave enough to get their DSLRs even. Still, it’s become quite a commercialised event, but still very colourful and any photographers dream.

  • Marcie
    Posted 22 June, 17 at 1:15 AM

    Your photos are great! My husband went to Holi in India this past year and he had sensory overload (in a good way!) Your photos remind me a lot of the ones he took! He ended up needing to get a new camera after the power got inside his.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 22 June, 17 at 1:24 AM

      Thats so cool. What part of India was he in? Cameras do mess up, it’s a very physical festival with lots of water and colours.

  • thetravelleaf
    Posted 22 June, 17 at 1:45 PM

    This is incredible. It would be so cool to experience this color festival in India. It has expanded to many other countries as well, but being there and somewhere in a village with locals, that seems even more special.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 22 June, 17 at 4:59 PM

      I feel the same way and while we play Holi in the cities where we live, going back to the villages where it has a lot more importance than just throwing colour was quite the experience.

  • Deb 'n' Kev
    Posted 22 June, 17 at 7:41 PM

    To say that it is colorful is an understatement! I found it amusing about the part where the women beat back the boys for being troublesome. Not sure I would like it, but I would have probably deserved it myself. As for it become a global event there is a Krishna Temple in Utah of all places that puts on the celebration. I may not make it to India anytime soon, but now I want to make the much shorter trip to Utah to experience this.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 22 June, 17 at 8:05 PM

      The “beating” or Lathmar as it is called it more fun and games and no one gets hurt, that’s why they have the shields. I think it’s part of the tradition and Kirshna was always considered the naughty one, so in a way it’s a way to depict him and how the women get back for all his naughtiness.

  • Marlies Wolters
    Posted 22 June, 17 at 9:06 PM

    Holi festival is defintely on my wish list, something you should experience once in your life. What an impressive cultural experience it must be. Good to know that some places are better than others, Nandgaon seems like a great option. The photos are so colorful, it must be a bit scary to walk around with electronics.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 22 June, 17 at 9:28 PM

      That is true, although many bought really expensive gadgets, even drones, however I wouldn’t risk it. Thanks and you should experience it once for sure.

  • businesstravelerswife
    Posted 24 June, 17 at 12:01 AM

    Wow, this kind of celebration is something you must experience at least once in your life. It looks so much fun and festive with all of the colors! It’s awesome that the local were ready to pose for photos. Good tips on protecting the camera and covering the body as much as possible. You captured it very well. Your photos are stunning!

  • Sheisnotlost
    Posted 24 June, 17 at 3:05 AM

    Great post on colorful festival. Your pictures are amazing and describe the festival well. I personally like phoolon ki holi. Have heard many strange traditions on holi in this part though. Thanks for sharing

  • Jenni
    Posted 25 June, 17 at 3:16 PM

    This festival looks amazing I missed it this year by a couple of days when I was travelling around India which is such a shame I will have to go back another time to witness it for myself. I love your photos they are so colourful. Great tip about protecting your camera.

  • Erica
    Posted 9 April, 18 at 3:06 AM

    These photographs are beyond breathtaking! You truly do have an incredible eye and talent for photography. Attending the Holi festival is a dream I’ve looked forward to for quite a while, and you’ve really just multiplied that!

  • Sumita Anand
    Posted 20 March, 19 at 11:06 PM

    Fabolous photos! You explained the Lathmaar Holi with great details.

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