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Driving a Train in Switzerland… Well, Almost!

Imagine cutting through the Swiss landscape, winding through the valley, twirling down the Alps, chugging around bends and through tunnels where every corner and every turn is right in front of your eyes, promising to be exceptional.

While visiting Switzerland over this past summer, with the family, I realized that it is a country for all seasons and is beautiful no matter where you are within its boundaries.

One of the best and most leisurely ways to see the natural beauty of Switzerland is through its extensive rail system. It’s easy because it unashamedly wanders through alluring valleys and mountains, so you don’t miss out on anything or place. Moreover, the Swiss with their discounts and offers on train travel make it more attractive for travelers from outside the country.



Even more enchanting is that Switzerland has gone out its way to make these train journeys all the more memorable; you can travel in a Belle Epoque cabin on the Chocolate Train or have almost 180 degrees of uninterrupted views via panoramic windows.

If you travel by Second Class there is enough glass to capture the magic of Switzerland, but if you are willing to spend a little extra, the windows open up a great deal more, and you can enjoy the splendor of Switzerland in all its majestic glory.

The Glacier and Bernina Express are two of the most popular train routes around the world and are often found in travel bucket-lists. They are the most photographed and written about, and their claim to fame isn’t without reason. But, while these routes undoubtedly stand out for taking its passengers through some breathtakingly beautiful scenes, there is a little known option that is only available on some routes, and according to me trumps even the most panoramic of cabins in the trains mentioned above.

Limited seating makes the availability of these spaces, especially when not pre-booked, nothing short of pure luck. Furthermore, being a slightly more expensive option – a reservation charge on top of having a first class ticket, which can be upgraded from second class – makes this a one-of-a-kind experience that shouldn’t be missed out if within your budget.

front-view-seatsYour chance to almost drive a train in Switzerland comes courtesy of the Golden Pass trains that run the route between Zweisimmen and Montreux; 8 first class VIP seats, right in the front of the train, giving the traveller an exceptional view, one that only a driver is usually privy to, is what locomotive dreams are made of.

Having just managed to book seats on our journey back from Gstaad, while I spent most of the time standing, excitedly taking photos from each possible angle and side, I was filled to the brim with juvenile excitement, evident on the faces of my kids as well who couldn’t stop looking around and pointing at the passing scenery.

Crossing through small Swiss villages, at times houses on both sides, winding across hills with herds of cattle grazing, cutting through fields alive and green owing to the recent rains and intermittent sunshine, the train chugs along gently as views don’t just pass by anymore. Instead, their arrival is greeted with OOHs and AAHs by those fortunate enough to see them in advance, much before anyone else on the train.


At one of the routine stops my son decides to make friends with a little girl, only slightly older than him, outside, on the platform, waiting possibly for a family member. A small village station, the train came to a standstill for a few extra minutes than usual. As the girl gets out of her car and practices cartwheels on the side, my son, fascinated by her actions and maybe her blonde hair, looks at her from behind the glass smiling and giggling. She notices him too, and smiles are exchanged. As the train whistles and readies to leave, he gains enough confidence to send a quick flying kiss through the panoramic window of the train which is received at the other end with a blush… and thus ends his first crush.

There are a lot of train journeys around the world that standout, some for their elegance and luxury while others for where they take us, but the front row VIP seats give another kind of “safe” thrill to its passengers. The excitement of witnessing life in motion through an exclusive perspective – the sight of an oncoming train that makes your heart beat a little faster or the charm of waving to the locals waiting at train crossings are just some of the pleasures. It is an occurrence where the thrill factor isn’t high, but it is very much real.


As we finally approach Montreux and catch the next train to Vevey, the change is so sudden that it takes a few minutes to resize that the experience is over. We still have breathtaking views of Lac Léman on one side and terraced vineyards on another, but it’s no longer as impacting as seeing the lake first appear almost magically around a bend in full grandeur from the front of the train.

While I recount this unforgettable train journey, I cannot help by wonder about the change in the landscape once winter sets in and a blanket of white envelopes Switzerland. More than that though, I cannot but feel envy towards the train drivers in Switzerland, who, now I know for a fact, have their ever-changing “work windows” that give them the best front views in the entire world (well, except the one driving our train, because he/she was right at the back).


  • Mel & Suan
    Posted 10 December, 16 at 8:44 PM

    We’ve taken the Bernina but not the golden pass.
    That is now a must if we can get to Montreux!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 10 December, 16 at 8:54 PM

      Yeah, we skipped both too for later. This was a little discovery and the seats are worth the slight hike in price.

  • fouronaworldtrip
    Posted 11 December, 16 at 6:51 PM

    Beautiful pictures!!! I have been only once in Switzerland, in the Zürich Area and I liked it a lot; the ppl are so cozy and friendly 🙂

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 11 December, 16 at 6:57 PM

      Yeah it’s like a different place altogether. We just did the south west and central Switzerland this year. I have been to Zurich for a day once before but want to explore that and Lucern some day.

      • fouronaworldtrip
        Posted 11 December, 16 at 7:02 PM

        to be honest, I don’t know that much about Switzerland; in Europe it’s always a bit off; they are having their special status as they aren’t in the European Union and everything is REALLY expensive there.. but I definitely would like to see more of it! 🙂

        • Post Author
          Ticker Eats The World
          Posted 11 December, 16 at 9:10 PM

          Yeah it’s different but they are part of the EU but not completely like you said. It’s not that expensive actually, and I did a post on ways to save money in Switzerland. They love people who come to their country and they are very kid friendly.

          • fouronaworldtrip
            Posted 12 December, 16 at 2:15 AM

            not really actually, they are ofc in Europe but not part of the European Union. I will check out your post about saving money tips in Switzerland 🙂

  • familyinfarawayplaces
    Posted 12 December, 16 at 3:53 PM

    Oh wow wow wow! Our family would absolutely love that. We are all train lovers. I had no idea tickets like that were even an option. SO cool!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 12 December, 16 at 4:42 PM

      Glad to be the bearer of good news 😜 I’m sure you’ll find it super exciting. Posted a small video as well on Instagram is you wanna have a look. Cheers

  • The Travel Ninjas
    Posted 12 December, 16 at 4:31 PM

    Wow those swiss train rides are stunning. The alps are so gorgeous. Thanks for the great tips on this distinctive Swiss experience. By the way – your website is snowing on my laptop. Just kidding. Love that effect, it really suits the post.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 12 December, 16 at 4:43 PM

      Hehehe yeah it’ll snow for most of December on the website. Thanks and yeah train 🚂 and Switzerland 🇨🇭 go hand in hand!

  • AdventuresWithLuda
    Posted 13 December, 16 at 9:24 AM

    Sounds like a great adventure through Switzerland – love the photos and the cozy village! I had a look at your Chocolate Train post as well, and that retro carrier looks lovely 🙂

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 13 December, 16 at 9:49 AM

      Thanks and so happy to know people click on links 😀 It was really nice and I even posted a video on Instagram if you want a better view. Thanks for your comments.

  • I do what I want to
    Posted 13 December, 16 at 4:13 PM

    Beautiful view, and you are right, during winter and mostly once the snow sets the view must be amazing. Love your son’s crush story 😉

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 13 December, 16 at 5:18 PM

      Thanks, and luckily he was too small to remember it after half hour.

  • Mr Mike
    Posted 14 December, 16 at 9:11 AM

    Great read! I would love to take in the panoramic scenes from a train too. The chocolate train sounds amazingly delicious and I loved the little anecdote about your son’s first crush.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 14 December, 16 at 11:33 AM

      Thanks and yeah the panoramic cabins are awesome too.

  • hellodays
    Posted 14 December, 16 at 3:29 PM

    Nice pic.

  • melbtravel
    Posted 14 December, 16 at 6:33 PM

    I agree Switzerland is a stunning place, its natural beauty is just wow. The Glacier and Bernina Express both sound like something I would love to do and I am definitely adding them to my bucket-list. However, I would love to do the Golden Pass trains even more especially because of the experience. How cool would it be sitting right up near the train driver? Thanks for the tips, I definitely taken note and btw great pictures.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 14 December, 16 at 6:37 PM

      Thanks and yes they are wonderful experiences. In this the driver sits at the back and the full front cabin is for passengers with a view that a driver would normally have.

  • Sarah
    Posted 14 December, 16 at 7:11 PM

    You just won’t be able to get enough panoramic views in Switzerland! Everything is just so pretty any time of the year! I went on one of those Golden pass trains on my way to interlaken and to jungfraujoch. It was amazing! Great views left, right and center!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 14 December, 16 at 7:18 PM

      Yeah we went on the same trains too and I agree, truly wonderful in every direction.

  • natalietanner
    Posted 14 December, 16 at 8:21 PM

    What a wonderful train ride! We always travel with the kids and love public transportation. It really gives them a different peek into the culture they came so far to see – the connection between your kiddo and the cartwheeler is a great example!! They’ll both remember that forever. Switzerland is beyond gorgeous and taking the train lets everyone enjoy the view – even the person who would ordinarily be the car driver!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 14 December, 16 at 8:24 PM

      I agree and traveling via public transport especially in a country like Switzerland is wonderful. We are the same when with kids because it gives them a better idea of the place and of course is more adventurous. Thanks

  • Promise Chika Maxwell
    Posted 14 December, 16 at 8:46 PM

    I’ve been to Switzerland a couple of times, took the train from Zurich central station to Choc but on a regular seat and still had a great view but i’m willing to spend more to get that seat upgraded and get the beautiful panoramic view, I think is fair enough!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 14 December, 16 at 8:47 PM

      Yes it’s totally worth it but I’m not sure which all trains have this option. As far as I know, these are only on certain routes. All the best.

  • Devesh Joshi
    Posted 14 December, 16 at 10:55 PM

    I was also planning a trip to Switzerland, as I backpack across Europe, earlier next year in February, but wasn’t sure should I take a bus to the country or a train. I think after reading your story, I’ve got the answer! Great post indeed!

  • Allison Green (@eternalarrival)
    Posted 15 December, 16 at 3:42 AM

    Wow, traveling Switzerland by train looks amazing. Train travel is my favorite kind of transport. And the scenery looks so lush and green, especially with those adorable blue trains!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 15 December, 16 at 8:36 AM

      Thanks and yeah the scenery is what makes it all so special.

  • lydia@lifeuntraveled
    Posted 15 December, 16 at 6:19 AM

    It wouldn’t take me much convincing to board a train to ride through the picturesque towns of Switzerland! Every scenery and landscape looks like a perfect painting – absolutely beautiful!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 15 December, 16 at 8:37 AM

      Thanks Lydia and it’s like this anywhere you go in Switzerland. So wonderful

  • Kathy - Walkabout Wanderer
    Posted 15 December, 16 at 8:27 AM

    Wow what a fantastic experience!I can see why it felt like you were driving the train. Amazing photos too. Love the story about your sons crush. His first broken heart? Thanks for sharing.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 15 December, 16 at 8:38 AM

      Thanks and luckily he is too small to realise a broken heart. Can you imagine dealing with a sulking kid on a trip 😱

  • Liana
    Posted 15 December, 16 at 3:08 PM

    I don’t know much about Switzerland, and I live not far from it, but your article was such a great read! There were so much details, and it all seems so true, and mesmerezing! Such beautiful pictures and it seems your kids have really enjoyed it!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 15 December, 16 at 3:18 PM

      Thank you. You should really try and go to Switzerland.

  • Abigail
    Posted 15 December, 16 at 4:26 PM

    I would love to experience this too! The views must have been amazing!

  • 100cobbledroads
    Posted 16 December, 16 at 10:51 PM

    Your storytelling is engaging. Wonderful post. I always enjoy train journeys the most, because you’re winding through towns and countryside and scenic beauty. Have my heart set on a epic train journey.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 17 December, 16 at 8:15 AM

      Thanks and yeah train journeys are almost always amazing

  • Sandy N Vyjay
    Posted 17 December, 16 at 11:54 AM

    Swiss trains are really fantastic. We did a lot of traveling by train across Switzerland a couple of years ago and were really enthralled by the scenery all around. And Yes I too did get to ‘drive” a train and this was from on our way to Jungfraujoch.

  • abcdefghizzy
    Posted 19 December, 16 at 10:13 AM

    A chocolate only cabin? Well I’ll be damned! That sounds like my kind of journey (as I write you from a chocolate cafe in Saigon.) Its on my bucket list to journey around Switzerland via train so I am bookmarking this and hopefully I can refer to this one day soon!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 19 December, 16 at 10:32 AM

      Cheers and if train journeys are your thing then I’ve written about another wonderful train ride in Switzerland. Have a look!

  • Gypsycouple
    Posted 20 December, 16 at 10:19 PM

    We’re big fans of trains and knew of Switzerland having some great journeys but nothing like what you’ve described. Will be book marking it for our Switzerland trip whenever it happens

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 21 December, 16 at 8:49 AM

      Awesome and yeah for some reason it isn’t advertised as much as the other routes. All the best

  • Ester
    Posted 17 January, 17 at 2:31 PM

    This country it is really beatiful, green and colourful!

  • Trackback: Switzerland with Kids: Tales of Travel and Humor – Ticker Eats the World
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