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Montreux (Switzerland) in Pictures

Picture Perfect - Montreux

Montreux is your quintessential Swiss town. Scenically located next to Lac Leman, overlooking the Alps and France on the other side of the lake, it is also the last stop where you can have wonderful wine produced in the beautiful Terraced Vineyards of the region.

Situated a little over an hour by train from Geneva, in the canton of Vaud, Montreux has charmed visitors with its simplicity and as a host of annual events that are known around the world.

Montreux is compact and best experienced on foot. Even though it receives a fair share of visitors, there’s subtlety to it that is trademark Swiss in nature. It’s pretty in an unconventional way, quaint even, and being part of the “Swiss Rivera” an aura of luxe permanently lingers over it.

The town can be reached by road, rail, a leisurely boat ride, or if you have all the time on your hands then walk along Lake Geneva from one of the neighbouring towns like Vevey.

Beautiful Montreux

Chateau de Chillon - The Most Visited Castle in the Country

Montreux Promonade

The most popular attraction in Montreux is Chateau de Chillon. A castle that dates back to the “Bronze Age” is said to be the most visited ancient residence in the country. The castle was further made popular by Lord Byron’s infamous The Prisoner of Chillon.

Don’t be fooled by its rather petite (for a castle) exteriors, for inside, it runs like a maze taking visitors through a labyrinth of rooms and stairs of which the ones leading to the tower must be explored for some spectacular 360-degree views. It’s location by the cliff and on the lake not only served as the perfect vantage point in the past, but now makes for a dramatic photo opportunity.

Chateau de Chillon also has two of the best – one is inside and the other right outside – if not slightly expensive, souvenir shops that we came across while traveling through the country. From Lord Byron labeled wines to bow and arrow sets for kids and of course books, posters, knick-knacks, postcards, and the likes, there’s enough for everyone’s taste to take a more physical memory of their time spent back home.

Tip: If you are traveling with the Swiss Travel Pass, the Museum Card that comes free with it, allows you free entry into the castle.

Lord Byron was Here!

Inside the Chateau de Chillon

Inside the Chateau

Montruex - One of the most underrated Wine regions of the world.

Montreux also produces some remarkable wine and similar to the other vineyards of Lavaux, it remains one of the lesser known and underrated wine regions in the world.

The city’s train station forms the base for many a day trips to others parts of Switzerland, primarily in the direction of Gstaad and Gruyeres. In fact, the Chocolate Train that leaves Montreux at certain times of the year is a wonderful day trip that explores two of Switzerland’s main produce – cheese and chocolate.

Montreux has become the destination of choice for a number of events that it plays host to through the year. Of the many activities that take place, the Montreux Jazz Festival and the Montreux Comedy Festival have become premiere events on the World circuit and see many international performers taking part in them. For a bit more of festivities, the Montreux Noël at the end of the year is when the entire town is engulfed in a blanket of celebrations and merriment.

Montreux - Jazz Festival

Montreux - The Town by the Lake

Montreux Architecture

There’s still lots to do on an average day in Montreux. For a bit of romance take a walk on the promenade admiring the majestic views of the lake, the beautiful flowers by the side, and rows of sculptures that keep popping up after regular intervals.

On sunny days, the young and the young at heart can enjoy a toy train ride that runs by the lakeside. Then there is the magnificent architecture to appreciate, especially the Belle Époque styled buildings that can be found in this area.

Montreux though also has a connection with music and one of its legends. The Queen Experience is a must for all fans as it paying a visit to the Freddie Mercury statue that stands by the viewing platform in the city.

And for some more Montreux related music trivia, you need to pay a visit to the Montreux Casino – well, you got to pay as part of playing and then hope that you win – which in 1971 was rebuilt after a fire, a scene immortalized by  Deep Purple’s Smoke on the Water.

Perfect for a day trip and even better if you want to stay awhile and spend some time exploring the riviera, Montreux is a delightfully attractive and alluring destination that is a must for anyone visiting the country.

A Boat Ride on Lake Geneva

Montreux Jazz Festival

Ferry Boat in Montreux

Let the Light Shine Bright - Montreux

Lac Leman - Montreux

Breathtakingly Beautiful - Montreux


  • sunnydaysinseattle
    Posted 14 January, 18 at 11:06 PM

    One of my favorite places in Switzerland. Love chäteau de chillon.

  • Vero and Canito in the kitchen
    Posted 15 January, 18 at 2:15 AM

    Beautiful pictures! One of my favourite places <3

  • Vero and Canito in the kitchen
    Posted 15 January, 18 at 1:18 PM

    I used to live around and it is absolutely amazing region! 🙃 Thank you for sharing that!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 15 January, 18 at 2:13 PM

      We spent three weeks in Corseaux and fell in love with the entire region. Must have been amazing living there.

      • Vero and Canito in the kitchen
        Posted 16 January, 18 at 1:46 AM

        It really was! ❤️ I am missing that place!

  • Niska
    Posted 17 January, 18 at 2:12 AM

    Wonderful.Loved it.

  • Dada
    Posted 24 January, 18 at 1:11 PM

    Yes I belive if you are by this part of Switzerland Montreaux shouldn’t be missed! You have done a great job of highlighting some of the best things about this petite but beautiful Montreaux. I use to live in Lausanne for 11 years and I still get wow-feeling each time I visit Montreaux.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 24 January, 18 at 7:24 PM

      Lausanne is truly beautiful as well, in fact the entire region is amazing to explore.

  • Suzanne
    Posted 24 January, 18 at 6:17 PM

    Thanks for shining a light on another great Swiss destination. I had no idea that the castle here inspired Lord Byron’s poetry. That’s something I have to look up and read now! I also like the idea of the chocolate train (yum!).

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 24 January, 18 at 7:25 PM

      Yes, in fact some people thought it was him who was imprisoned here, but that’s not the case. He spent quite some time in this area.

  • Lisa
    Posted 24 January, 18 at 6:38 PM

    Montreaux is certainly a beautiful place! I’d only known it for the Freddie Mercury statue and jazz festival. However, now I know about the beautiful chateaux and the wine in the region too. One to book for this year!

  • Aisha Sylvester
    Posted 24 January, 18 at 9:20 PM

    I’ve always wanted to visit Switzerland and now Montreux is a must-visit when I finally make my way there! Top of my list of things to do would be visiting (and maybe getting a little lost in) the Chateau de Chillon and of course taking the toy train ride along the lake. The photos look so amazing, I know I’ll enjoy Montreux very much!

  • amsylvester
    Posted 24 January, 18 at 9:21 PM

    I’ve always wanted to visit Switzerland and now Montreux is a must-visit when I finally make my way there! Top of my list of things to do would be visiting (and maybe getting a little lost in) the Chateau de Chillon and of course taking the toy train ride along the lake. The photos look so amazing, I know I’ll enjoy Montreux very much!

  • Lydia Smith
    Posted 25 January, 18 at 1:49 AM

    I love how you documented your experiences at this beautiful city of Montreux in pictures. The pictures did much justice to describe the scenery of Montreux. Now that I know Lord Byron’s work is influenced by Montreux, I’ll love to read his works again with this scenery in mind. You’ve got great pictures of Montreux.

  • Lydia Smith
    Posted 25 January, 18 at 6:59 AM

    Good to Montreux in pictures, so beautiful. I didn’t know Lord Bryon had this much influence on Montreux, I’ll consider reading some of his works again with this knowledge. And there’s so much to do here for both the old and young.

  • Medha Verma
    Posted 25 January, 18 at 11:38 AM

    I was in Switzerland a few years back and it was such a pity that we didn’t spend a whole day in Montreaux. We were driving from Interlaken to Geneva and I really wanted to visit Chateau de Chillon so we passed by Montreaux but we arrived only by 5 pm and although I did manage to get some great picture from outside, the fort had closed by then and we couldn’t go inside. Also, the Chocolate Train is a beautiful experience, I was wondering just the other day why people don’t talk about it much and I haven’t read a lot of blog posts on it!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 25 January, 18 at 1:36 PM

      Thanks Medha, it really is one of the most underrated places in all of Switzerland. I have been writing about it all for a while now from my time there especially the smaller villages, so hopefully more travels will happens there and then more people will write about it.

  • Susanna Kelly
    Posted 25 January, 18 at 7:18 PM

    This is such a charming and unique town blending so many cultures. You captured it so beautifully with your photos. I love the style of them, I felt like I was right there exploring the old castles, the beautiful lake. I’ll make sure I stop by here on my next trip over to Switzerland, we don’t live too far away. Thanks for sharing, keep up the great photography!

  • Shaily
    Posted 26 January, 18 at 3:33 AM

    Wow! Montreux is stunningly beautiful! Lake Geneva looks magical with mesmerizing views and impressive architectural buildings surrounding it. A castle that dates back to the Bronze Age – really? This is something really fascinating. Your pictures have made me fall in love with this place. Montreux is now added to my bucket list. Nice to know about the Swiss Travel Pass. Hope to visit this fairy tale land soon!

  • Rohini
    Posted 27 January, 18 at 3:36 AM

    Montreux looks awesome . Have heard a lot about Chateau de Chillon. Just a thought , would be great if there is a caption also for the photos so that can understand a bit better . Sorry , never been there earlier , so was trying to relate to .

  • Shoma Abhyankar
    Posted 1 February, 18 at 2:45 PM

    So so beautiful. I feel like visiting it right now.

  • Over By There
    Posted 31 March, 18 at 7:07 PM

    Great pictures – very cinematic. Is it usually that kind of mild cloudy/misty atmosphere?

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