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Beautiful Photos of Safdarjung’s Tomb, New Delhi

A Panoramic View of Safdarjung's Tomb

Safdarjung's Tomb

Situated close to central Delhi, the Tomb of Safdarjung is a historical monument of grand proportions. The sprawling gardens around the structure, a passage lined with fountains, and brilliant in depicting the Mughal style of architecture, the tomb is often overlooked, lost amongst many of Delhi’s ancient monuments. However, it makes for an enjoyable quick stop for photography enthusiasts.

The famous Lodi Gardens are merely a few meters away from this magnificent and clean complex which has been standing tall since 1754. The tomb was erected by Mirza Muqim Abul Mansur Khan’s (known as Safdarjung) son after his death.

Safdarjung was the ruler of Avadh and later was made the Chief Minister of the Mughal Empire under the rule of Mohammed Shah Ahmed Shah.

This sandstone and marble mausoleum give glimpses of the Taj Mahal, but architecturally there are many differences between them both. However, that does not make Safdarjung’s tomb any less striking in the city’s architectural heritage.


Safdarjung's Tomb on a Misty Morning

Safdarjung's Tomb - Inside

On this particular cool winter morning, a band of local photographers, including myself, descended upon the monument to try and catch a glimpse of it at sunrise. Unfortunately, that was not to be the case, as the memorial and the sun, hid behind a thick blanket of fog. It wasn’t until much later when the mist lifted a little that we managed to take a few photographs.

On a separate note, it was disappointing to see the blatant disregard and disrespect towards the monuments of our country as evident from the graffiti all over the tomb. There is a nominal entry fee and guards at the main entrance, but no one to look over near the actual monument which is why miscreants get away with this. It’s an issue that one comes across around the world, and I can only hope that when caught, these vandals are given strict punishment and made an example of, to deter others from doing this.



The Gateway to the Tomb


Local Residents - Safdarjung's Tomb

The Emperor's Old Clothes - Safdarjung'sTomb



Marbel work -Safdarjung's Tomn

Safdarjung's Tomb, New Delhi

Safdarjung's Tomb in Panorama

Historical and architectural information source – Wikipedia


  • jaya1966
    Posted 7 January, 18 at 4:17 PM

    Wow ! Lovely photographs !

  • Vidya Narayan
    Posted 9 January, 18 at 11:11 AM

    Now that is wonderful photography. stunning images. A visit to Taj is on my wish list and I think the best time is early morning to indulge in some photography. cheers!

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 9 January, 18 at 1:11 PM

      Thank you and aside for the fog, I agree, morning time is best for photography. I have a post on the Taj too if you haven’t read it as yet. Thanks

  • Lata Sunil
    Posted 9 January, 18 at 1:51 PM

    The photos are fabulous. I have not been there. But you have captured the otherwise discrepit building beautifully.

  • SandeepaChetan
    Posted 12 January, 18 at 12:10 PM

    Beautiful and simultaneously heart breaking images. Wonder why us Indians do not have any respect for the rich heritage we have.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 12 January, 18 at 12:25 PM

      I’ve actually seen this all around the world, so not just in India, but yes we have a serve case of it nevertheless. I fail to understand the mindset of people who do this. Thanks

  • anindya0909
    Posted 12 January, 18 at 12:11 PM

    Beautiful pictures and liked the way you highlighted the way these places are being maintained. Will look forward to more posts like this

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 12 January, 18 at 12:26 PM

      Thank you, it’s all about being conscious of the sometimes declining heritage of the country. Hopefully shine a small spotlight on it whenever possible.

  • Joanna Davis
    Posted 29 January, 18 at 6:50 PM

    Your photos are fantastic, I love how you’ve captured the passing of time on the monument and all the buildings surrounding it. I haven’t been to the tomb of Safdarjung when I visited Humayun’s Tomb, which looks a bit similar, especially that both have in common the Taj Mahal resemblance. I did notice however the same behavior towards the monuments, and the guards don’t really seem to be bothered about it.

    • Post Author
      Ticker Eats The World
      Posted 29 January, 18 at 6:51 PM

      Thank you and yes that’s the sad reality of preserving history in our country. The more popular ones are still managed properly, but the lesser busy ones often get neglected.

  • Rashmi and Chalukya
    Posted 30 January, 18 at 4:59 PM

    Delhi is a treasure trove of remarkable historical monuments and we had an opportunity to visit most of them including the Tomb of Safdarjung during a trip a few years back but looks like the capital city needs another visit and few days exploring its gems. Yes, it disheartening to see that these historic and architectural treasures are not valued and taken care of, we did witness this on our trip to Hyderabad too. Your captures are awe-inspiring and we will make sure to visit this part of Delhi on our next visit.

  • Soraya
    Posted 31 January, 18 at 1:50 PM

    What an amazing historic site – the Tomb of Safdarjung! It’s dissapointing to hear about the graffiti found, I hope that the local authorities would look at fining people who do this! Even though you weren’t able to fully catch the sunrise, the blanket of fog does sound quite romantic and provides such a different perspective to your experience here at the Tomb of Safdarjung.

  • Juliette S
    Posted 31 January, 18 at 10:25 PM

    What beautiful photography of this historic place! I love your black and white photos – a perfect way to depict and set the scene and overall tone for this tomb. But I was really sad to read about the graffiti. I can’t believe anyone would do this at the final resting place of someone – regardless of how they feel towards a person, there should always be some level of respect for the dead and that includes not graffiting their final resting place! Again – beautiful photography. You didn’t need the sunrise to make it look special.

  • Mimi & Mitch
    Posted 2 February, 18 at 7:57 PM

    Absolutely great photos. can’t believe we missed this in Delhi. Wait where is everyone? Don’t get how you could get this with nobody in it! Sad about the graffiti around though 🙁

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  • Claire
    Posted 8 February, 18 at 3:07 PM

    Amazing pictures!!!

  • Gautam Raj
    Posted 11 February, 18 at 11:49 AM

    Beautiful clicks. And love the B&W aspect

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  • Sameera
    Posted 22 July, 18 at 4:10 PM

    Such amazing photos ! Absolutely wonderful.

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  • Neetole Mitra
    Posted 31 July, 19 at 10:41 PM

    beautiful photographs

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  • Trackback: Stunning Photos of Safdarjung’s Tomb at Night - Ticker Eats the World
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